Director of Special Education
Special Education
What We Do
The Claremont Unified School District offers a full continuum of special education programs and services for approximately 850 students. The District is committed to providing appropriate services for students with disabilities, with an emphasis on collaborative models.
The Claremont Unified School District is one of 15 Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) that forms the East San Gabriel Special Education Local Plan Area (ESGV SELPA). These member LEAs include: Azusa USD, Baldwin Park USD, Bassett USD, Bonita USD, Charter Oak USD, Claremont USD, Covina-Valley USD, Glendora USD, Walnut, Valley USD, West Covina USD, San Jose Charter Academy, California Virtual Academy @ Los Angeles, iQ Academy, Opportunities for Learning- Baldwin Park, and Options for Youth- San Bernardino.
Claremont’s Special Education supports and services include such options as speech and language support, adapted physical education, resource specialist support, as well as specialized classes. All programs are provided on regular education campuses; the special education staff is incorporated into the total general education staff at all schools.
Although the majority of students with disabilities are served in their home districts, there are a number of specialized regional programs operated by the individual SELPA districts for all students within the ESGV SELPA. Consequently, some Claremont students with disabilities necessitating specialized programs have the opportunity to have their needs met nearby in programs operated by our SELPA partnered districts. Claremont serves as the service provider district for the SELPA’s Orthopedically Impaired and Medically Fragile students.
CUSD Special Education Resources
Community Special Education Resources